A True Thanksgiving

IMG_9873Thanksgiving Services:

The word “Eucharist” simply means “giving thanks.” We gather to give thanks as God provides His gifts in Christ. Join us Weds. Nov. 25th at 6:30pm or Thurs. Nov. 26th at 9am for our Thanksgiving service.

A True Thanksgiving

In 586 B.C., the army of Babylon destroyed the wall around Jerusalem and their house of worship, the great Temple. Sadly, many of the Jews in Jerusalem were marched back to Babylonia and made slaves. Some seventy years later, the Persian army defeated the Babylonians and the Jews in Babylonia were set free. Most returned to Jerusalem and soon afterwards they began to rebuild the house of God.

For some reason they did not immediately rebuild the wall around the city. It remained in ruins. That bothered a man named Nehemiah. He passionately began to encourage the people to restore the wall around the city. After all, God’s house, the Temple, needed protection as well as the inhabitants. Before long, various families took the responsibility to rebuild a particular section. There were many obstacles, but they got the job done. Here is what Nehemiah later wrote: “So we rebuilt the wall, and all the wall was joined together … for the people had a mind to work.” (Nehemiah 4:6)

That was Stewardship! Anytime we use our minds and bodies and time and talent to create or serve or share, we are exercising good stewardship. How do we know the joy of stewardship? We know it when we serve our neighbor and participate in the Lord’s work. When the wall around Jerusalem was finished, Nehemiah gathered the people together and said: “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) Then they had a feast for everyone. They had a true Thanksgiving. May we continue to gather together in the Lord’s feast as He strengthens us in faith and continue to participate together in the work going on here at St. Peter’s.