
LCMS.mercyforever“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”   Mark 10:45

Our Lord Jesus looked upon us, His people, with compassion that He took on our flesh to suffer, die, and rise for us. He came to save people who could not save themselves. He came for all people who are in desperate need of mercy.

St. Peter’s is a place where Jesus comes in Word and Sacrament. Yet, as the people of God we are gathered together to serve our community and those in need to deliver God’s mercy. In addition to works of mercy collaboratively with churches within our South Wisconsin District and Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, some ways we particularly serve our community:

  • House of Thrift, supporting Bethesda Lutheran Communities. Our members work the 1st Friday of the month and the 3rd Wednesday of the month. It is located at 201 Cottage Grove Rd. in Madison.
  • Support a wide variety of missions and missionaries!
  • Prairie Pride Food Pantry, Arlington Methodist Church (Wednesday from 4:30pm-5:30pm and Saturdays from 9am-10:30am)
  • Adopt-A-Highway, we volunteer to keep our community clean along the highways of the village. Youth clean Highway 51, and volunteers help along County I and Highway 60 and other roads.

Please let us know if we may also pray for you, prayers may be submitted online here or you may contact the church office.