Links & Resouces

Our church body is The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Synod is divided in 35 mostly geographic districts. We are in the South Wisconsin District-LCMS.

Madison is home to Our Savior’s Deaf Ministry We are pleased to support them. Do check them out as they are growing and starting to reach out to their community as well!

We have many students at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. As a student ministry, they serve a great mission to their campus community. Find them at Calvary Chapel at the University of Wisconsin.


We support Issues, Etc. They are a daily 2-hour radio program covering many topics of church, politics, theology, are worship.

For other radio programs, visit Pirate Christian Radio for daily studies on Lutheran topics.

Our synod operates six universities around the United States. They serve to educate church workers and lay people to serve in the world. These are:

Our synod also operates two seminaries for the formation of pastors. These are:
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO
Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN

Internationally, our congregation is currently helping missionaries Dr. Gerald and Heidi Paul who are serving in the Cayman Islands.