Midweek School

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5th-8th Graders

Wednesdays 4pm-5:00pm

Our Midweek program includes time for snack, fellowship, class, music, and worship. We utilize a variety of resources all primarily focused around the Bible, Luther’s Small Catechism and our church worship life.

Classes for the 2023-2024 year began on September 13, 2023. The schedule for the year can be foundĀ here.

Pastor Juhl meets with the 5th and 8th grades. This class covers Luther’s Small Catechism. Vicar Sinatra meets with the 6th and 7th grades. These grades alternate between Old and New Testaments. This year’s class is the Old Testament.

There is no class when Poynette Schools close for weather or other cancellations. For the most up to date information, parents should provide a texting number to Pastor Juhl and Vicar Sinatra

Midweek School is for our children to learn the basics of the Christian faith, spend time in the Word, dig deeper with questions and answers (and discussion). After the first year, students who successfully complete work are welcomed to the Lord’s Supper in the Rite of First Communion Prior to Confirmation. At the end of 8th grade students are welcomed as members through the Rite of Confirmation.

We also create times of fellowship, fun, and worship. We like to take a day in the fall and winter for an activity or travel event, including highway cleanup along US Highway 51. The goal is for students to have well-rounded, life-long catechesis for their Christian life, and not just focus on “memorization.”

To help cover class expenses, we do have a Midweek Fund. This provides materials and weekly snacks. Please feel free to contribute as you see fit.

All catechumens are welcome to serve our church as acolytes for any Divine Service or other services. They may also serve musically, participating with any existing music group, or working with Cantor Zieroth for a more individualized setting. There is also the chance to help serve on our Altar Guild and prepare for services there.