There’s always great joy when we get to Celebrate the birth of Jesus. There is also a greater number of services to feast upon the Word Made Flesh at Christmastime!
Make time and come join us at our special services:

Sunday, December 18, 9:30am — The Colors of Christmas, as presented by our Lower Grades Sunday School.
Saturday, December 24, 6:30pm — The Celebration of Holy Christmas, as presented by our Upper Grades Sunday School.
Saturday, December 24, 10:00pm — Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Filled with carols and special music by our choir and handbell choir. We celebrate Holy Communion. We also sing by candlelight at the end.
Sunday, December 25, 9:00am — Christmas Day Festival Service. We celebrate Jesus’ actual birthday on this High Holy Day with another round of different carols and another serving of Holy Communion.
Sunday, January 1, 2023, 9:00am — Circumcision of Our Lord and Name of Jesus. This service, being a Sunday, replaces the New Year’s Eve service.
Please note that Monday services are cancelled on December 26 and January 2. Sunday School is on hiatus beginning after the program on December 18 and will resume January 8, 2023.