Other times of special music in our worship services:
The Handbell choir is a 3-octave choir Malmark Handbells and chimes. A full choir has 11 ringers, though it may function with slightly fewer. If you are able to be a substitute ringer, that is just as helpful!
This group meets Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm in the balcony. Repertoire includes pieces based on hymnody, hymn accompaniments, and liturgical elements. This group plays in church about once per month and also Ascension. Find their current schedule right here.
Our Adult Choir is an accompanied vocal choir that adds music to our worship services. They sing in both unison and up to 4-part harmony. Repertoire includes religious and spiritual anthems, liturgical elements, hymn stanzas, and hymn descants. Opportunities for solos and small groups also exist.
Rehearsals are Wednesday nights from 7:30-8:30pm in the balcony. They sing in church about once per month and for major holidays. Find the schedule here.
The Upper Grade Sunday School Choir is composed of students in grades 3-8. They rehearse Sunday mornings at the 9:15am start of Sunday School in the chapel. This choir sings once a month at an 8am worship service. They also provide a Christmas Program on Christmas Eve at the 6:30pm service. Their schedule is found here.
The Lower Grade Sunday School Choir is composed of Sunday School students enrolled in 2nd grade or lower. This group rehearses in the chapel during Sunday School closing, about 10:00am. This group sings once a month at an 8am worship service. They also present a Christmas service at 9:30am on the Sunday before Christmas Eve. See their schedule right here.
Instrumentalists also play regularly as a group at our Reformation Festival, which is the last Sunday of October. The 2024 date is October 27.
They also play on Easter Sunday, which moves from year to year. Easter 2025 will be April 20. Other opportunities arise and are blessed occasions.
There is also the chance to learn piano or organ!
Opportunities will be arranged for you to practice these vital worship skills.
If you wish to sing a solo or play on a different instrument, please contact Cantor and arrangements will be made as quickly as possible!